self-quarantine at an isolated facility が、現在、帰国タイ人やWP所有の外国人に求められるホテル等の隔離施設なのか、自分たちで用意した隔離部屋なのか、ちょっと不明ですが、②の検査結果が判明するまで空港で待て、、、という言葉から察すると、入国時PCR検査で陰性であれば、空港から出ることが許され、あとはself-quarantine(自主的な検疫)でいいよ、、、ということなのでしょうかね。
No. 0404/c. 1339
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to all Diplomatic Missions, Consular Representatives and International Organisations (DCIOs) in Thailand and, with reference to the Ministry's Immediate Note No. 0404/c.1301 dated 9 July B.E. 2563 (2020) concerning relevant requirements and procedures in requesting permission to enter the Kingdom of Thailand for members of the DCIOs and government representatives along with their families (spouse, children and parents), has the honour to inform the latter of the following:
1. With recent confirmed of COVID-19 infection involving members of the DCIOs returning from abroad, the Ministry wishes to solicit the DCIOs' kind cooperation to closely supervise their staff and family members who have been granted permission to enter the Kingdom of Thailand to strictly undergo self-quarantine at an isolated facility for at least fourteen (14) days and observe quarantine etiquettes, including constantly monitoring their body temperature and respiratory symptoms as well as maintaining personal hygiene. In case of emergency that the quarantined person(s) need to leave their accommodation, the DCIOs are required to inform the Ministry in advance.
2. To effectively prevent local transmission of COVID-19, starting from 15 July B.E. 2563 (2020), members of the DCIOs and their families are required to wait at the airport for the RT-PCR laboratory result.
3. The Royal Thai Government is in the process of reviewing and evaluating related disease prevention measures concerning the DCIOs. The Ministry will therefore keep the DCIOs informed of any updated information and guidelines in due course.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Diplomatic Missions, Consular Representatives and International Organisations in Thailand the assurances of its highest consideration.
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